I guess it all started the night I went to Lindsey's condo in Park City (the beer ketchup night I last blogged about). The two boys, JD and Rand, who came up to visit and I barely knew, have welcomed me, as well as Lindsey and Kelsey, into their large group of friends. Since the Monday following Park City, we've seen those boys or their friends about every day.
Now, there are a few things that have to happen in order to become part of this group. You have to be initiated, which includes me laying on the floor while 4 boys take turns doing flips over me from a trampoline to a love sac. Yes, they flipped over me, and yes, JD landed on me but just a little bit. To finish of the session, they all took of their clothes and flipped over me in their underwear. Gotta love 19 year old boys.
The other thing you need to become a part of the group is mono. Yep, they all have had it in the past, and sure enough I caught something and became deathly ill. But what I caught was not just mono, it was a new strain of adenovirus called laryngo-somethin.
In urgent care I was told to wear this in the waiting room... no one else was wearing one.
It made me feel really cool. After my near death I went into urgent care and the doctor confirmed how deathly ill I was. He prescribed me liquid codeine, which made me forget I even had a throat, let alone a sore one. I also got a pack of antibiotics, musinexD and some nose spray crap. I was determined I would only be sick for 3 days, and that was basically how it went down. Alltogether I was sick for a week. Tyler brought me soup and crackers, which was so thoughtful of him. Thank you!

Two weeks ago, JD called me from Arizona to ask if I would pick up his mission call at his place and overnight it to him. I was happy to do it. What started as a successful errand turned into a very annoying trip, because I got pulled over for the first time ever. I rolled through a stop sign. The officer was being really friendly so I figured I would get a warning. False. I have to go to traffic court today and apply for traffic school.

This was while I was waiting for the cop to do my background check haha
A few days later, I think JD was just trying to make me feel better because while he chad and I were on our way to Alex's house, he got pulled over for the exact same thing, and got the exact same traffic citation. Isn't he so thoughtful?? haha.
By this time, it sounds like nothing good has come from hanging out with this group, but that, my friends, is a false assumption. I have had so much fun these past few weeks. The girls in the group are all so nice and the boys are such funny children hah. Some of our activities include:
1. Piercing Kelsey's ear with a safety pin and an apple... yes I did that. It was disgusting.
2. Classic roller skating in Jungle theme clothing

My new friend Rand... barely dressed.

Yes, I'm aware I'm not in Jungle clothes, we didn't get the memo

3. Ihop... still in jungle attire
4. Girls night/headband making party :) We drove to hobby lobby in West Jordan and got supplies, then made a million head bands. I'm wearing them in some of the pictures from here on out.
5. Going to Progressive tumbling gym (I was very medicated on this day, doing flips was insane)

6. Party/show at Spoon Me (where JD and Chad work)

From left to right, Talia, Alex, Brielle, Lindsey, me and Melissa

7. EASTER. Let me tell you about Easter Sunday.
Saturday night, all of us girls went grocery shopping. The boys came, but they left early to go shopping for supplies for out easter egg hunt. On Sunday, all of us met at Alex's house. The girls all made dinner; amazing pasta, salad, garlic bread, and fruit pizza for dessert. While we made dinner, the boys all went up past Rock Canyon park and set up an Easter Egg hunt for us girls. We all ate dinner together and hung out a while, and then drove to look for our eggs. Some of the prizes included rotten meat, corn, candy, coupons for kisses/dances from the boys haha, panties (some cute some granny) and earings.

Someone burned the bread... this was me saying I didnt do it

JD, Alex, Taylor, Rand, and Chad setting up our easter egg hunt

Eating dinner at Alex's

Being lazy after dinner

Hunting for eggs

Showing off what I found
Of course I would open the egg full of rotten beef.

Taylor trying on the granny panties Melissa got in one of her eggs :)
It was such a fun Easter with friends. I'm being really indecisive about what to do the next couple weeks. I was going to move home the 23rd of April, but Amber's wedding is the 8th of May so I think I might just stay till then. The only problem is I can't find anyone to ride down with me/help me drive. It's too long of a drive to make by myself. Anyone wanna come???