It all started a few nights ago, at 2:00 in the a.m. I was innocently typing away on my computer when I heard squeaking, followed by scratching. My skin started crawling at the unidentified noisemaker, so I started looking for it. I walked up to the window well (because I was in the basement) and what do you know, there is a GOPHER in the window.
Of course I screamed and made my mom and Marianne come downstairs to see it (they were drinking matte upstairs). We didn't know what to do, but Panda said I couldnt tell my dad or he would kill it. A few days and a few carrots later, we came up with a solution.
Preparing to catch the thing... Dad saying "this is serious" hahahha
We bought a trap, caught the thing, and set him free!!!!!!! haha. 

Run free!!!