This year has been really good to me.
Here are a few of my favorite memories :)
Suns vs. Jazz games, adventures in Salt Lake with the girls, doing stupid things for school with Megs

Vegas with the girls, visiting Mesa and seeing everyone at Sweetcakes, the Festival of Colors, and my 21st birthday

Going to the Backstreet Boys concert with Teddy, 7 peaks and summer adventures with Megan, the Mona rope swing, and the best 4th of July weekend I've ever had sleeping on the lawn

Being a bridesmaid for 4 of my amazing friends. Ashley's wedding in March, Lexi's wedding in August, Lindsey's wedding in September, and Joslyn's wedding just two weeks ago.

And all of the fun adventures I got to go on, and finding how much I LOVE hiking :)

I love that I've learned not to be so responsible and just take trips without planning at all. It makes life much more interesting.

2010 brought me my niece Veda who is just the cutest most sleepy baby in the world.

And this guy is basically my favorite part of going home to visit. He has gotten so big this year!

2010 was full of way too much school and work, but looking back I realize how much has happened and changed this year. I've been able to do so many fun things with people I love and that's all that matters!