Well I'm back in Utah after a lovely week and a half at home in Arizona with my family and friends. There truly is no place like home; warm weather, blue skies, a clean house, and all of the people I love. What more can a girl ask for?

Ben's first time eating sushi :)
In my mocrobiology lab, we talk a lot about mold, microbes, viruses etc. We do a lot of fun experiments, and this week we were able to take a agar plate home and a sterile swab stick to test a surface in our homes. I decided to test our kitchen counter. Basically I swabbed my counter top, smeared it on the agar (it started out CLEAR.) Here is my agar plate, after 4 days of growth. EEEEEEEEWWW
I realized haven't put any pictures up of my apartment... so here they are!
This is my lovely living room, bishop's office chairs and all.
And here is my kitchen
And my bathroom
Last but definitely not least, my front patio that looks like it belongs in Apache Junction... (trash, piles of wood, portable bbq, dead house plant, deflated innertubes, and bikes.)
This is the DELICIOUS veggie tin foil dinner that I made! Ben and I went with a group of people, Ashley Hansen invited me, up to the Alpine loop where we had a campfire and made dinners and smores.
One of the nights Ben was here we got some acrylic paint and canvas at Walmart. We started off with the baby stuff, just some water color paintings, but the next day we both worked on our first master pieces. These are our attempts and being painters, Ben hasn't quite finished his but they turned out pretty good!
Ben and I in my living room, I put this up cause you can kind of see my living room. Its cute! One of these days I'll get around to posting pictures of the apartment on here.
Andrew and Megan are two of Teddy's really good friends, who I am also friends with. The four of us went to Happy Sumo and ate the BEST SUSHI EVER. Andrew and Megs are so hilarious i love hanging out with them. They were so nice to let us stay there on Saturday since the boys Ben was staying with the other nights were out of town. While at there house, we all took political compass tests and watched funny videos about Sarah Palin on youtube :)
This is my roommate Laci and I about to go up to the temple.